Keeping the faith for all students.
Our Office of Campus Ministry, guided by our campus minister, creates programs that engage the entire school community in the practical message of the Gospel. As part to the SNJM network of schools, Campus Ministry also brings the messages and core values of the Sisters of the Holy Names to life, creating a welcoming place for people to expand, explore, and express their faith.
We welcome students of all faiths to share in our faith formation activities of the Catholic tradition. At the same time, these students are encouraged to develop a relationship with God according to their own beliefs.

Ms. Theresa Moran
Walden University - MS
Hartwick College - BS
At Holy Names, Faith Formation Includes…
School-wide liturgies and prayer services, where students work with the campus minister to plan and implement the readings and music and serve as Eucharist Ministers and lectors, altar servers, gift bearers, and in the liturgical choir.
Frequent liturgical celebrations that offer opportunities for communal and personal prayer.
A focus on diversity within the school as well as on a local and global level.
Class retreats jointly planned by students and Campus Minister and scheduled during the school year.
Leadership development through Leadership in Ministry, Peer Retreat Team, and Junior Ladies of Charity.
Religious education courses that provide a strong background in scripture and Catholic doctrine.
Respect for others for the person and property of others, and concern for the earth and its resources.
Service to others, especially the poor and disadvantaged, through a formalized service-learning program as well as club and individual activities.
This is a community of faith…and faith formation reaches into all aspects of school life.