Community service is an integral part of life at Academy of the Holy Names. It provides practical ways to live the Gospel Message in today’s world. The entire school community is involved in ongoing educational projects and in actual community service opportunities in the Albany area and beyond.
As with the mission and charism of the Sisters of the Holy Names, there is emphasis on social justice issues locally, nationally, and worldwide. AHN holds a service day for middle school students and a retreat day for each high school grade.
Service Requirements
The high school division’s community service requirements are overseen by the Theology Department. Service is a requirement for all students.
- Freshmen: 5 hours
- Sophomores: 5 hours
- Juniors: 10 hours
- Seniors: 20 hours
- One group project per grade
- One reflection paper per student, per grade

Ms. Theresa Moran
Walden University - MS
Hartwick College - BS
A Community Service Q&A
Q: What is the charism of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary?
The sisters are dedicated to the full development of the human person through education, social justice, prayer, and the arts. They live each day promoting their core values which are at the heart of their charism. Special concern for the poor and disadvantaged people, women and children characterizes their ministry in every setting.
Therefore, the focus of our service program at Holy Names is service to people who are poor or marginalized. Reaching out and responding to people who are impoverished, abandoned or living at the fringes of society.
Q: What are some examples of places I can go to participate in service?
Some examples are: Teresian house (or any other senior living facility), Habitat for Humanity, City Mission, Grassroots Givers, SALT, Regional Food Bank, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Junior Ladies of Charity, Special Olympics and one of our mission trips.
Q: Is service mandatory for graduation?
Yes, service is a requirement at our school. It is through service that we express our faith actively and our love for our brothers and sisters.